25th Anniversary Countdown: 2021

On December 8, 2023, Digital Rain, llc goes Silver, celebrating 25 years in business. How did we get here? Since December 2022 we have been counting up each year.

The end of 2020 and leading into 2021 would bring that economic weather that we thought might be blowing our way. No one thought it would be complete lock down, and the cause would be a virus.

Despite the rest of the world closing down, Digital Rain Media found out that people were still suing other people and legal depositions still needed to be recorded. While the work went remote, and at home via Zoom and other conference tools, it meant big business for Digital Rain Media.

That wasn’t the only project that came from the virus, Digital Rain Media also partnered with the Stanly County Health Department to create a mass vaccination video for future needs.







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