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Media and Video Production for Stanly County, NC
and Surrounding Areas.

Proud Video Production Partners for these Stanly County Organizations:

Official Video Production Partner 

Digital Rain Media is the Official Video Production Partner of the Stanly County Chamber of Commerce. Digital Rain Media kicked off the partnership with the production of the Ribbon Cuttings for Stanly County Businesses. What kind of content do we need to produce for your company? Contact Us!

Go to the Stanly County Chamber of Commerce Web Site

Commerical Production Partner

Did you know that Stanly County Businesses can have a commercial produced that can be inserted into streaming video channels? They can with help from The Stanly News & Press (SNAP) and Commerical Video Production from their partner Digital Rain Media. Contact Us or the SNAP to find out how!

Go to The Stanly News & Press Website

Content CReation

No matter what you provide or sell, your company must also be a Media/Content Company. When content is not your business and you don’t know where to start, Digital Rain Media can bring your company creativity and innovation. From the written word (copy writing, scripting, blog posts, social media posts) to complete video production (scriptwriting, camera operation and capture, audio recording, directing, video editing and project management).

Check out one of our latest projects – this video walks you through the Services that Esthetician Lindy Sellers offers in Locust, NC.
Got services or a product you want to create a demonstration video? Contact Us!

Content COnsulting

If you already have content, or would like to do it yourself, then bring Digital Rain Media on board to consult to improve the impact of your content (You Shoot – We Edit, motion graphics, color correction, optimizing content, keyword integration).

After a consultation, Digital Rain Media partnered with the Stanly County Chamber of Commerce to produce their Ribbon Cutting Videos for businesses opening new locations in Stanly County. Have a look at the videos we have done so far!

Content CoAching

Media is only as good as it is presented, so Digital Rain Media can coach you on how to present your content in an effective manner (talent direction, communication and presentation skills, detail oriented, problem solving and critical thinking, Google Ads Certified).

When a Stanly County Business wanted to change their name but maintain the accolades they had received, they partnered with Digital Rain Media to create the announcement. We also were able to edit this full version video into a thirty second commercial to be inserted into streaming video services in partnership with the SNAP.


Digital Rain Media is a top professional videographer in the New London, NC professional videographers directory on Videographies.com.

Copyright 2024 Digital Rain Media