Well it is here, 2023. Near the end of this year, the first week of December, Digital Rain Media officially turns 25 years old. But we still need to take a look at what happened in the rest of 2023!
The year started out continuing the Leadership Stanly Program. The connections and amount that Rodney learned were huge. Mid-way through the year, Better Badin’s Facebook likes were nearly four times what they were when Rodney took over. During graduation, he was cited as being Community and Civic Minded by his peers in the Leadership Class.
All this led to new clients – local clients. First came Esthetician Lindy Sellers. First came a partnership with the Stanly County Chamber of Commerce to produce videos of Ribbon Cuttings. Next was a partnership with Stanly News and Press to be their video production partner for commercials that could be inserted in to streaming video services. Wrapping up the year with new clients like Tillery Compassionate Care, and the St. Germain Real Estate Group.
In celebration to the last 12 months to countdown to 25, silver started taking over the Digital Rain Logo – does this mean something new coming for the 25th year?
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